DB Schenker

1305 Chesapake, 1305 Executive Blvd, Suite 200
Chesapeake, VA 23310

About DB Schenker

DB Schenker is the world’s leading global logistics provider — we support industry and trade in the global exchange of goods through land transport, worldwide air and ocean freight, contract logistics and supply chain management. Integrated logistics resides at the world’s most important intersections, where the flow of goods creates an effective link between carriers. Our value-added services ensure the flow of goods continues seamlessly and supply chains stay lean and optimized for success. Our business holds top positions in automotive, technology, consumer goods, trade fair logistics, special transports, and special events logistics.

Competitors of DB Schenker

WSI (Warehouse Specialists, LLC)

WSI (Warehouse Specialists, LLC)

One of the largest privately held logistics companies in the U.S., WSI spans a nationwide distribution network with global logistics reach. Our family of companies includes Warehouse Specialists, LLC, Material Logistics & Services, LLC (MLS), Fulfillment Specialists of America, Inc. (FSA),... Read More



MetTel has been the preferred provider of communications services to nationwide, multi-location enterprises since 1996. Through extensive partnerships and wholesale relationships with the nation’s leading carriers, we offer businesses a simple, consolidated alternative to often complex,... Read More